We have prepared an amazing program for you fellow senators to enjoy the meeting together. Keep following – the contents will update frequently and more and more information will be dropped for you

Senator Program

Tuesday 11Wednesday 12Thursday 13Friday 14Saturday 15Sunday 16
12:00Senator Lunch, Music HallSenate 50th Anniversary Seminar, The CathedralFarewell Brunch / Lunch, Senator Hotel
13:00Senator Registration StartsSenator Excursions
14:00Senator Sauna Experience, Pehkolampi
15:00Bumble Bee, Invite Only, Senator Hotel
16:00Senator Excursions
17:00Senator Golf – Nightless Night
Opening Ceremony – All delegates, Oulu HallHome Hospitality Dinner, Time TBD
18:00Gala Night, All delegates, Oulu Halli
21:00Senator Bar OpenSenator Bar OpenSenator Bar OpenSenator Bar Open
22:00Until Late


Tuesday June 11, start at 5 pm until late night

Welcome to Green Zone Golf Course, a remarkable 18-hole golfing paradise straddling the border of Finland and Sweden along the serene Torne River delta. This unique course, with 11 holes in Sweden and 7 in Finland, offers the world’s longest Hole-in-One opportunity on the 6th hole due to the time difference between the two countries. Surrounded by captivating water hazards, it provides a challenging yet exceptionally beautiful golfing experience, with extended daylight hours for midnight sun rounds. The first tee times are at 10 pm and the golf takes place in the midnight sun. Limited for 50 first registers. Trip incl. transportation, light meal, green fee, sauna. There are some golf sets and carts for rental for those who might need them.


Thursday June 13, starts at 12 pm 

The senator lunch will be served at the wonderful Preludi Restaurant in the Oulu Music Hall. We will enjoy a wonderful three-course meal with wines made by Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs chefs accompanied by an entertaining program. The restaurant will also have a cocktail bar. Limited for 300 participants.

BUMBLE BEE  (Invite only) 

Thursday June 13, afternoon  

Senator Hotel Sauna & Spa area

Sponsored by Bo LKV (real estate agent)



Friday June 14, Noon  

The high-end seminar takes place at the Cathedral just opposite the senator hotel. The themes gather around safety, security and well-being of people in the world and in all aspects. Internationally recognized and valued speakers will bring out their perspectives of the topics that will certainly evoke thoughts in the listeners.
The seminar is not religious, despite the venue


Friday June 14, evening 

Do you want to get to know Finnish food, Finnish way of living and Finnish hospitality? The senators & honorary members of the Oulu region want to invite international senators to their homes for a comfy, cosy and uncomplicated dinner.


Saturday June 15, afternoon 

When in Finland, one must definitely experience a Finnish sauna, the authentic and real. Afternoon sauna and swimming will be enjoyed at City of Oulu Pehkolanlampi guest house, where we also enjoy a traditional Oulu lunch, salmon soup. The trip is possible for the first 45 people to register. 


Sunday June 16, by Noon 

The farewell brunch is not merely a culinary event at the Senator Hotel Lapland Hotels. It is also a celebration of the connections formed and the things experienced. The gentle clinking of bubbly in the glasses  will be a collective acknowledgment that paths are diverging, but the memories created will be cherished.
To be paid separately.


Wednesday June 12 

During your visit you will hear interesting science talks, introduction to biodiversity unit and participate in discussion about business ethics. The event will be held at the beautiful University of Oulu science garden. The Excursion is limited to 40 first enrolled. Welcome to the University of Oulu!


BusinessAsema (Business Station) brings together employees and employment in an environment that handily offers options for developing your personal expertise as well as your business. Fablab is one of many services offered in BusinessAsema. FabLab is a digital fabrication workshop and prototype laboratory where you can make almost anything. In FabLab you can find a laser and vinyl cutters, 3D printers, milling and sewing machines, for example. Join us at BusinessAsema for a short presentation and hands on workshop in Fablab!  


Wednesday 12th June 12:30-14:00  

Friday 14th June 14:30-16:00  

Maximum number of partcipants per excursion: 12 people 


Tuesday June 11,  evening 
The bubbliest pre-event ever! The event is jointly organised by JCI Tar Valley Oulu and JCI Bavaria Germany. Come and enjoy good food, drinks and company, as well as great JC vibes. Separate registration.
  maximum number of participants 250.
Tickets 40 €/ 55 € separately

Wednesday June 12, evening
Oulu Hall

Saturday June 15, evening
Oulu Hall


It is easy to get here and moving from place to place in Oulu is pleasant and comfortable. Pick up the following tips for arriving in Oulu and getting around smoothly. 


Finnair has several daily routes from all over the world to Oulu via Helsinki. www.finnair.com  
Lufthansa has two weekly routes from Munich to Oulu. www.lufthansa.com 


Trains come from all main destinations in Finland. If you arrive by ship from the Baltic countries or Sweden, it is easy to travel the last leg by train. www.vr.fi/en  

Getting around in Oulu 

In Oulu nearly everything is within walking distance. Oulu people use bicycles a lot and Oulu is famous of its great cycling possibilities. Rent a bike or crab a green city bike and pay by your mobile. Taxies are safe to use call one or use Bolt. You can also use public buses to get to the EC events, use the app to find the best fare. Most of the buses drive just by the senator hotel.


You might be interested in seeing a bit more of Finland. You will find a good selection of overnight pre and after tours as well as fun daily tours to experience Finnish nature and atmosphere more widely than just the city life.  Please check these tours for for your convenience and book your own. The tours are arranged by our partner Saaga Travels 

In partnership with

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